

Interdisciplinary performance, 2016  

Loch was researched and developed in a residency in Koganecho, Yokohama, Japan in 2014. During the residency, I opened a fortune shop out of the studio and offered fortunes in exchange for personal monster stories. I collected over 50 wonderfully fantastical stories, experiences and dreams from the residents of this area and the collected images from these encounters provide the performance framework of loch during the residence, I also spent time circling the outer parameter of my mother’s childhood home in Yokohama. A home that was sealed shut, complete with grand piano and family heirlooms, following a 1995 earthquake. My aunt and her doll companion Hanako still reside next door. Loch explores the underside of Vancouver’s monster stories through a ‘sister’ collection from across the Pacific.

Co-presentation with Mochizuki Studios, Vancouver New Music, Theatre Replacement and VIVO Media Arts Centre. Performed at Moberly Arts Centre. 

This performance was first developed through a residency during Koganecho Art Bazaar 2014 Fictive Communities Asia curated by Makiko Hara in 2014.

A collaboration with sound artist Emma Hendrix

Directed by James Long
Performers: Roselle Healy, Sean Marshall Jr, Justina Vanovcan, Lexi Vajda.
Lighting Design: James Proudfoot
Production Design: Marc Hansen
Technical Assistance: Asa Mori
Scenography and Animation: Cindy Mochizuki
Project Coordination: Kazuho Yamamoto

Image credit: Tim Matheson and Marc Hansen


105 Chrysanthemums


Shako Club